Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How To Obtain A Precise Auto Insurance Quote 

You must not waste your money and time with an incorrect auto insurance quote. Majority of auto insurance quotes offered over the telephone are erroneous. The following advices would help you get a correct auto insurance quote. Spend some more time and don’t let your effort of finding a suitable quote go in vain. 

Look at your local telephone directory. Take down the names and telephone numbers of prominent insurance companies like State Farm, Progressive, Allstate and independent auto insurance agencies like A+ Insurance. Independent insurance agencies provide more options to you.
Contact a company and request for a quote.
Furnish the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for every car. Don’t allow the insurance agent to input the year of manufacturing, model and brand. The VIN would specify the exact car.
Provide details like your Social Security Number, your employment details and any reported accidents or infringements.
Offer discount details: home ownership, previous auto insurance, anti-theft and security devices, good student history and safe driving courses. 
Take down on a piece of paper all the quotes and the name of the individual who offered you the quote. Bring the quote with you to the insurer while you’re going to buy the policy. 

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